[Album Review] To. X (5th Mini Album) – TAEYEON (SNSD)

1 month ago 60

I am slowly wrapping up my time reviewing 2023 albums, but there are a couple more to be published over the next two weeks. TAEYEON’s To. X, which was released back in November last year, is one of the final 2023 albums to be covered for the time being. It is led by the single of the same name, and is TAEYEON’s first release since her highly successful INVU studio album from the year before. Comparing the two album releases, I do find that To. X is slightly weaker in comparison to the studio album. But there are still a few good tracks on this mini-album still worth checking out.

To. X Album Cover

1. To. X (Title Track)Click here to read the full review for To. X. (7/10)

2. Melt AwayMelt Away is a very classy sounding track from the get-go thanks to the guitar riffs (which brings a light tinge of Latin influence to the song), brass and percussion. All of this makes Melt Away into a somewhat sensual track, as well. TAEYEON’s vocals are quite powerful and engaging throughout, particularly towards the end of the track where she soars. In the choruses, we hear go for a much more alluring approach, which fits the vibes of Melt Away quite well. (8/10)   

3. Burn It Down – Gearing more towards pop, Burn It Down carries over guitar riffs and percussion from the preceding track. While I do like TAEYEON’s vocals here, with the more interesting melodies, my biggest take away and issue with Burn It Down is that it stays pretty neutral throughout and ‘doesn’t go anywhere’. I wished there was some sort of trajectory or progression in this track to make it even more interesting. (7/10)

4. Nightmare (악몽) – Sometimes consistency can be an issue for certain songs. But in Nightmare, I find it to be quite helpful in creating a stilling environment. The paced guitar riffs in this track and TAEYEON’s low and slight vocals add to that stilling atmosphere, creating a riveting track. I really like her breathy ad-libs in the track. (8/10)

5. All For Nothing – For All For Nothing, I really enjoyed the atmosphere that the track had. Consistency is also well utilised in this song, with the addition of piano to the guitar adding a nice velvety feel to the song. Paired with a much softer and breathier vocal approach from TAEYEON, I felt this is the best and most beautiful track on this mini-album. I particularly like the harmonies in this track. (10/10)

6. Fabulous – Changing up the momentum of the mini-album in the final track is Fabulous, which opts to include more of a retro profile with its background. It is also the most vibrant sounding track on this mini-album. I really like the prettiness that the instrumental exudes, though I could have done with less repetitive keyboard or piano. It feels a bit typical and cliché. Fabulous is also an all-English track that talks about self-confidence – a TAEYEON first. Her vocals are also really nice and feels comforting. (8.5/10)

Overall Album Rating – 8.1/10

To. X Teaser Image
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