The new KBS 2TV daily drama ‘Cinderella Game’ is generating much anticipation ahead of its premiere on December 2. Directed by Lee HyunKyung and written by Oh SangHee, this production is a heartfelt story that explores the true meaning of family through the processes of revenge and healing.
‘Cinderella Game’ depicts the transformation of a female protagonist who suddenly goes from being an orphan to an heiress, only to discover that everything was manipulated by an enemy. It portrays her journey to become an incarnation of revenge. However, it is not just a simple revenge drama; it is a profound family drama that questions how unrelated individuals can become family, offering viewers deep emotional resonance through the diverse responses presented by each character.
Director Lee HyunKyung expressed, “The desperate effort to protect family came across as both poignant and warm,” and emphasized the intriguing aspect of the characters not being clearly divided into good and evil. Additionally, writer Oh SangHee highlighted the intention to convey the message that “true happiness can be felt when being with loved ones.”
The drama features a wide range of actors from seasoned talents like Na YoungHee and Kim HyeOk to newcomers such as Park RiWon and Kwon DoHyung, each set to showcase their unique charms. Director Lee HyunKyung shared, “The actors have breathed life into the characters,” and expressed anticipation that their fresh performances will bring joy to the viewers.
Writer Oh SangHee described the work as a daily drama that, while a revenge tale, is appropriately blended with humor and emotion. It promises to be a diverse drama where viewers can experience moments of laughter, heartfelt emotion, and tension-filled moments in everyday life.
Following ‘Scandal’, this drama hopes to give viewers another opportunity to feel the preciousness of family. The warm message and thrilling development of ‘Cinderella Game’ will enrich this winter. We ask for your viewership and love.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.