Recently aired on KBS 2TV’s popular variety show ‘1 Night 2 Days Season 4′, the global K-pop group ENHYPEN made a full group appearance, creating a buzz. This broadcast featured the second story of the members’ ‘If I Appear on Television’ series.
ENHYPEN members JungWon, HeeSeung, Jay, Jake, SungHoon, Sunoo, and Ni-Ki appeared as special guests, showcasing a stage for their new song ‘No Doubt’. Each member left a deep impression on the program team with their unique introductions. Particularly, JungWon drew attention by perfectly executing a random play dance of MBLAQ’s hit song for Lee Joon, and performed a spontaneous collaboration dance with Lee Joon, heating up the atmosphere on-site.
In this broadcast, ENHYPEN challenged themselves with team games like the dinner and sleeping spot luck draw with the ‘1 Night 2 Days’ team, diving into a full-fledged real variety experience. The members quickly adapted to the program, experiencing the thrill of slapstick comedy and betrayal.
Additionally, BaekGa from Koyote made a surprise appearance, astonishing the members. According to the production team, BaekGa was introduced as part of the ‘1 Night 2 Days’ family, naturally blending in with the members and showcasing a strong presence.
The delightful night spent with the ENHYPEN and ‘1 Night 2 Days’ members was broadcast at 6:10 PM on the 17th, eagerly anticipated by many fans. Further activities from them are highly anticipated.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.