Heartfelt Messages from Stars, A Wave of Support for 2025 College Entrance Exam

1 month ago 12

As the 2025 College Scholastic Ability Test approaches, famous Korean stars are sending messages of support to the examinees. From popular idol groups like IU, NewJeans, and IVE to Cha EunWoo, G-Dragon, and Jung HaeIn, various stars are united in encouraging the examinees.

On the eve of the exam, IU left a message for the examinees through her official YouTube channel. She noted, “The exam is already just a day away. Time seems to fly by,” expressing her hope that while it’s challenging for examinees to showcase their efforts in just one day, luck would be on the side of UAENA (fan club name). She also emphasized wearing warm clothes and having a hearty meal while cheering on the examinees.

Although NewJeans member HyeIn decided not to take the exam this year, the group conveyed a message of support for their fandom Bunnies through YouTube. NewJeans stated, “As you have worked hard up to now, I hope you do your best until the end and finish well,” also reminding not to forget their admission ticket and ID card.

IVE also continued to encourage the examinees. They conveyed, “Don’t be too nervous on the exam day, trust in the hard work you’ve put in, and show your skills,” adding a message to spend happy times with family and friends after the exam.

Cha EunWoo shared a supportive message on his Instagram, writing “Good luck to all examinees” along with a supportive sticker. Actors Kim JaeWon and Jung HaeIn also left warm messages of encouragement through social media. G-Dragon, through his private account, comforted the examinees with the message, “You are beautiful because you are yourself.”

Singer GyuBin, who is in his senior year but decided to focus on his singing career, did not take the exam. He sent an endless message of support to the examinees along with a surprise song gift for his friends.

Additionally, various idol groups like SEVENTEEN, MONSTA X, and CRAVITY sent messages of encouragement to the examinees, with the warm hearts of the stars providing great comfort and strength to those preparing for the exam. We hope the examinees can do their best to achieve great results, and look forward to the continuous support and interest from the stars in the future.

This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.

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