K-Pop A-Z Review: GFriend – Contrail

3 hours ago 4

K-Pop A-Z - GFriendOne song. Every day. Alphabetical order.

Keep up with GFriend’s A-Z reviews here!

Contrail (from The Awakening – 2017)

There will be some songs in this feature that have already received short write-ups as part of other reviews, but I don’t plan to reference those old thoughts while writing about them this time. It’ll be fun to see if the rating has changed with time! Contrail is from an album I dearly love and – although it’s not my favorite track – it certainly holds its own. The production is complex and interesting, melding brassy synth with intricate percussion that gives it an off-kilter feel. The melodies follow suit, swerving in different directions than you might expect. These features help the song stand out within their discography. A jazzy breakdown toward the finale is an added bonus.

 Hooks 8
 Production 9
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8

Grade: B

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