In an exciting collaboration between TV CHOSUN and SM Entertainment, the latest episode of TV CHOSUN’s hit variety show ‘Trot Idol Induction: True Sister’ promises to be a thrilling journey for fans of MYTRO. This show, known for its heartfelt support of the rookie trot idol group MYTRO, highlights their relentless pursuit of stardom. With every episode, viewers are invited to cheer on these emerging artists as they face the challenges and triumphs of the music industry.
On November 23rd, the eighth episode is set to showcase MYTRO’s development and preparation for their latest single “It’s Hard,” following their successful debut track “Bam Bam Bam.” The new song, composed by none other than Kangta, the legendary main vocalist of the first-generation idol group H.O.T., adds an extra layer of anticipation. This track was born out of the collaborative efforts of over 30 global K-POP composers during an intense week-long SM Song Camp.
In a special moment, MYTRO will meet Kangta in person as they work on the song’s production. Fans are particularly eager to see who will be chosen to lead the intro, a pivotal part often seen as the ‘face’ of the song. Kangta’s unexpected choice for the intro vocalist, not the presumed main vocal Lim ChaePyeong, leaves everyone, including Kim Sook, in surprise and delight. The mystery of who will set the tone for “It’s Hard” continues to build excitement.
The ‘True Heart Sisters’ themselves are thrilled to see Kangta again, with Lee YoungJa nostalgically recalling H.O.T.’s debut stage and expressing her fondness for him with a motherly smile. Kim Sook humorously inquires if Lee YoungJa sees her as a child too, leading to a playful exchange that lightens the mood with laughter.
Meanwhile, MYTRO members face their own struggles in the recording studio. Han TaeYi shares concerns about a recent throat inflammation diagnosis and the need for medication. Shohei, venturing into singing for the first time instead of his usual rapping, and Seo WooHyuk, who previously struggled with recording environments, bring their own challenges. Kangta offers heartfelt advice, admitting his own past discomfort with recording, aiming to reassure and motivate the anxious members.
As MYTRO navigates the guidance of their senior Kangta, curiosity peaks about the outcome of their recording session and the debut performance of “It’s Hard.” Will they conquer their anxieties and deliver a stunning performance? Fans are on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the group’s next big move.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.