Comedy TV’s popular variety show ‘The Delicious Guys’ captivated viewers with a special winter preparation episode. The episode, which aired on December 6, featured various types of kimchi and spicy loach soup on the menu, along with entertaining games and laughter-filled moments from the members.
In particular, the experience of trying spicy loach soup at the second restaurant visited by the four members, Kim JunHyun, Moon SeYoon, Hwang JeSung, and Kim HaeJun, brought much laughter. The production team announced the rules of the ‘Squeezing Taste Game,’ where the person who caught the fewest loaches in 30 seconds would be chosen as a one-bite member, leaving the members visibly flustered. However, if at least one member caught ten loaches, everyone would receive a mukbang benefit, which strengthened their resolve.
Except for Kim JunHyun, the other members were dismayed at the sight of the loaches in the large tank, unable to hide their despair. Moon SeYoon heightened the tension by asking Kim JunHyun, “Are you good at catching them?” Kim JunHyun replied, “Catching fish isn’t a problem, but loaches are not easy,” hinting at the game’s difficulty. In response, Moon SeYoon made a special proposal in his confusion, which Kim HaeJun and Hwang JeSung supported.
During the broadcast, Moon SeYoon shared a humorous story about almost having two major fights during his marriage, maintaining a light-hearted atmosphere. He amused viewers with an episode where he would pull out a large amount of tissue when asked to catch bugs.
‘The Delicious Guys,’ featuring the special mukbang challenges of Kim JunHyun, Moon SeYoon, Hwang JeSung, and Kim HaeJun, airs every Friday at 8 PM (KST). Viewers are eager to see what delightful episodes await in future broadcasts.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.