[Review] On And On – AMPERS&ONE

1 month ago 58

That same time machine of mine from yesterday takes me back a further two weeks to 15 November 2023, when AMPERS&ONE made their debut. AMPERS&ONE is the latest male group to debut under FNC Entertainment (the home of FT ISLAND, CNBLUE, SF9, N.Flying, Cherry Bullet and P1Harmony). They consist of seven members (Kamden, Brian, Jiho, Siyun, Kyrell, Mackiah, and Seungmo) and debuted with the single On And On.

On And On is definitely a strong debut track in my books. While I didn’t get much of a chance to focus on their debut when it actually occurred, listening back now, I am disappointed in myself for missing out. On And On is very upbeat and refreshing, opting to focus on their youthfulness and bright energy (as opposed to the darker and more serious motif that fellow labelmate P1Harmony brings to the table). The backdrop of the song is a dance pop instrumentation, with a groovy bass rifts throughout the song to give it a bit more dynamism. And adding even more dynamism is the fact that the song consistent with its energy. On And On never falters and this is another great example of where consistency pays off. The verses features some punchy rap delivery and highlights the group’s skills in this department. The chorus, while less innovative, drives On And On forward and brings forth the group’s vocal abilities. Strong melodies is all that On And On needs to take it to the next level. All in all, I think On And On is a good foot in the door to the KPOP industry, and I am excited to see what

AMPERS&ONE’s debut music video takes a refreshing spin on the schoolboy concept by relocating the members into a college or university setting. As far as I believe and can remember (forgive me, but I have covered a lot of videos over the years), this isn’t a common concept. Within this college/university setting, AMPERS&ONE doesn’t have much luck with their studies or the college life. It is very much a chaotic mess. One of the members rocks up to the wrong classroom and ends up turning late on his first day. They are handed a very confronting and thick as a textbook lecture schedule. They cannot get a good timetable/class schedule because one member decided to disconnect everyone from the WIFI. They can’t handle a group assignment and turn that in late because they only started at the last minute. And finally, one of them doesn’t finish the exam in time. Pretty much a nightmare for a nerd for me. Glad I have graduated.

The accompanying performance doesn’t have anything specific within it that I would call memorable. However, I feel like this is one of the performances you got to watch as a whole to really take everything in. For example, watching the entire routine would allow you see how well the group executed the fast pace nature of the routine, which was necessary to complement the song. Similarly, their chemistry as a group is also promising.

Song – 9/10
Music Video – 9/10
Performance – 8/10
Overall Rating – 8.8/10

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