On December 10th, Netflix’s new sports survival entertainment show ‘The Strongest Rugby: Win or Die’ is set to premiere. This program showcases the intense competition among players striving to form the strongest team in the rugby desert of Korea, capturing their truthful stories and fierce determination for victory. Notably, Yoon DoHyun from YB is participating as the music director, adding to the anticipation.
Music director Yoon DoHyun aimed to deliver emotions beyond sports through ‘The Strongest Rugby.’ He expressed the passion, sacrifice, and inspiring teamwork of rugby players through music, capturing their determination and energy. Yoon DoHyun mentioned, “This piece offers emotions that transcend mere sports,” and crafted music themed around each team’s personality and the players’ stories.
In particular, the main title track ‘End And End’ powerfully conveys the fighting spirit of rugby through hybrid metal sounds. This project uses a variety of musical genres to highlight the players’ overwhelming strength and the dynamism of the game. The ending song ‘Ordinary Hero,’ in a British rock style, serves as a tribute to all those striving to achieve their dreams.
Yoon DoHyun expressed excitement and anticipation at the opportunity to introduce the passion of Korean rugby and rock music to viewers in over 190 countries worldwide. He hopes that the fervent passion of rugby players is conveyed to global audiences through his music. ‘The Strongest Rugby’ is expected to be a special work that goes beyond a simple sports entertainment show, allowing viewers to feel the authenticity and determination of humanity. We hope for much interest and support in the journey that lies ahead.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.