YouTuber Sojang complains about ‘extreme’ lack of privacy in Wonyoung/Starship case, irony is dead

1 month ago 43

IATFB 04/04/2024 K-Entertainment

Doing parody stuff is harder than ever with the real news in today’s world becoming increasingly more dumb, and the latest evidence is cyberwrecker YouTuber Sojang complaining about the violation of her privacy in relation to the lawsuit against her brought by IVE‘s Wonyoung and Starship Entertainment.


A few months ago, Wonyoung won a lawsuit against Sojang and was awarded damages of 100 million won. However, perhaps because that opened the door for further litigation against her, since then Sojang has appealed the ruling and applied for a stay of enforcement, also claiming that the apology that was publicized previously wasn’t made by her.

Sojang’s lawyers are saying that she didn’t know the information she shared was false and that it was a matter of public interest. They also requested that Sojang’s information be deleted from online sites because she is allegedly suffering from emotional distress as a result of privacy violation.

“As a representative of Sojang’s operator, we would like to request temporary measures and the deletion of documents posted on the (NamuWiki) site,” the firm shared. “The page contains a lot of details about Sojang’s identity, which caused the operator to suffer extreme leakage of personal information and privacy breaches.”
Furthermore, it revealed that Law Firm Daehan has taken appropriate measures to remove the post and prevent similar incidents from happening again. It also disclosed that the NamuWiki page sharing Sojang’s personal information is currently unavailable.

It’s the smartest thing for NamuWiki to do at the moment, but the shamelessness of Sojang to complain about privacy invasion and make it necessary for them to do so is remarkable, honestly.

Anyway, the next court date for this is in June, so it’s gonna take a while (legal stuff always does), and Starship also updated to say that they have two other cases going against Sojang as well.

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