Shin HyunJun’s family is gaining attention as they appear as commercial models. The Channel A show ‘Daddy is a Flower Middle-aged Man’ aired on the 5th, featuring 57-year-old Shin HyunJun and his wife Kim KyungMi, who is 12 years younger, participating in a commercial shoot with their three children. This commercial became a hot topic as it featured them alongside models like Byun WooSeok and Han SoHee for the same brand.
On set, Shin HyunJun stated, “We are shooting a commercial for a famous brand that our whole family knows,” adding, “Since the children are the stars of the commercial, we must do our best.” He further explained to the children, “Unlike family photos, commercials are real work for which we receive appearance fees and sign contracts.”
As the shoot progressed, Shin HyunJun’s children drew attention with their remarkable visuals. After the shoot, the family shared their thoughts and experiences over dinner. Shin HyunJun expressed his pride in his children, recounting the tough experiences he had during film shoots to encourage them.
Particularly, the eldest son, MinJun, moved everyone by saying after the commercial shoot, “I want to become famous like Dad.” Shin HyunJun couldn’t hide his surprise, asking, “Do you want to be like Dad?” to which MinJun replied, “Not necessarily an actor, but I want to be a great person,” capturing everyone’s attention.
Shin HyunJun’s wife shared, “It’s truly a valuable opportunity for the children to experience their father’s work,” adding, “This experience will be of great help in anything they do in the future.” In an interview, she revealed her inner thoughts, saying, “The path in the entertainment industry is tough and challenging, so I hope the children choose a different path.”
This commercial shoot was a special experience for Shin HyunJun’s family, raising expectations for their future endeavors. Attention is focused on what new challenges the Shin HyunJun family will undertake next.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.