Disney+ is set to release its first Korean original historical series ‘Takryu’ exclusively in 2025. This series, set in the Joseon Dynasty, unfolds around the events that occur as the peaceful Gyeonggang transforms into turbulent waters. The drama, which portrays the complex destinies of three characters ‘SiYul’ (RoWoon), ‘Choi Eun’ (Shin YeEun), and ‘Jeong Cheon’ (Park SeoHam), is highly anticipated due to the collaboration between director Chu ChangMin and writer Cheon SeongIl.
Director Chu ChangMin is known for attracting 12 million viewers with ‘Masquerade,’ solidifying his status as a megahit director. ‘Takryu’, his first drama directorial work, promises to bring great expectations to viewers with its profound understanding of the era and intricate character narratives. Writer Cheon SeongIl returns to historical drama writing after 14 years since ‘The Slave Hunters,’ intending to enrich the story with complex and charming characters.
Produced by NPO Entertainment, this series will feature actors RoWoon, Shin YeEun, Park SeoHam, and Park JiHwan. RoWoon will attempt a new acting transformation in the role of ‘Jang SiYul,’ a rogue at Mapo Ferry, while Shin YeEun will take on the challenge of playing ‘Choi Eun,’ a strong merchant leading the trading group. Park SeoHam will make his first challenge in a historical drama as ‘Jeong Cheon,’ an officer at the Police Bureau, and Park JiHwan is set to deliver a powerful performance as ‘MuDeok,’ who maintains order at Mapo Ferry.
‘Takryu’ is expected to become a well-crafted historical drama due to the collaboration of trusted production staff and actors. As it garners attention, many are curious to see whether this work, set for release in 2025, can open a new horizon for Korean historical dramas. With its original story and captivating characters, ‘Takryu’ is raising viewers’ expectations to see what kind of reaction it will receive.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.