The excitement around SBS’s global boy group audition program, Universe League, is at an all-time high. Recently, 21 contestants secured their spots in the finals. This news comes after the intense episodes 8 and 9, where 15 contestants faced elimination. These episodes showcased thrilling performances from various teams.
Team Groove captivated the audience with their rendition of ‘Butterfly.’ Team Beat showcased their talents with ‘ON&ON,’ while Team Rhythm energized fans with ‘Don’t Hit The Brakes.’ Notably, Team Groove had a lineup change. Member Kim Joo Hyung was replaced by Seo Jeong Woo, which proved successful during their performance.
Team Beat maintained their original lineup and engaged in special training. This effort contributed to their near-perfect execution on stage. The live voting results reflected the contestants’ hard work. Team Groove achieved the highest score of 3,362 points, closely followed by Team Beat with 3,204 points and Team Rhythm with 3,036 points.
In a surprising twist, Team Rhythm triumphed in the overall online voting. They accumulated an impressive total of 59,898 points, securing their first-place position in the final rankings. The elimination rounds were intense. Team Beat received six yellow cards, leading to the departure of members Jin Ziming, Li Zi Wei, and Kim Hyo Tae. The emotional farewells were intensified by the final trade of members between teams.
The ultimate lineup was determined through a combination of fan votes and director selections. This led to a fierce battle for the 21 coveted spots in the finals. Among the standout performers, Jayel emerged as a fan favorite, earning over 1 million votes to secure his place in the final lineup.
As the final lineups for Team Rhythm, Team Groove, and Team Beat were completed, excitement builds for the upcoming finale of Universe League. The finale is set to air live on October 24 at 11:20 PM, produced by SBS and F&F Entertainment. With the stakes higher than ever, fans eagerly await the conclusion. The journey to discover the next global boy group continues.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.