K-Pop A-Z Review: GFriend – One

1 month ago 14

K-Pop A-Z - GFriendOne song. Every day. Alphabetical order.

Keep up with GFriend’s A-Z reviews here!

One (from Flower Bud – 2015)

One sounds like an easy, breezy summer afternoon. This style of song tends to waft in one ear and out the other – very pleasant while it’s playing but not the kind of thing I’d seek out on its own. To me, One is classic album filler. But the thing is, filler isn’t automatically a bad thing. Songs like this form connective tissue that holds an album together. It’s light and bouncy, and sometimes that’s exactly what you need between bigger pop moments.

 Hooks 8
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 8

Grade: C

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