In a groundbreaking collaboration, K-pop sensation SEVENTEEN unveiled their latest single, ‘Bad Influence.’ This track was co-created with Grammy-winning artist Pharrell Williams. The song premiered during a men’s fashion showcase at Paris Fashion Week on September 21. This event marked a pivotal moment for both SEVENTEEN and Pharrell, who serves as the creative director of the luxury brand.
The members of SEVENTEEN, including S.Coups, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Joshua, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, expressed their joy in working with Pharrell. They believe that ‘Bad Influence’ showcases a fresh side of their artistry. They hope it resonates with a wider audience. Pharrell, known for his hit ‘Happy,’ demonstrated his ability to merge music and fashion. He crafted a piece that harmonized perfectly with the stylish ambiance of the event.
As SEVENTEEN celebrates their 10th anniversary this year, they have a history of successful collaborations with international artists. Previous partners include DJ Khaled, Marshmello, and Anne-Marie. This latest project highlights their growth as artists and their commitment to pushing musical boundaries.
To honor their anniversary, SEVENTEEN has planned a series of global activities. They will embark on a world tour across Asia, with stops in the Philippines, Singapore, and Jakarta. Additionally, SEVENTEEN is set to make history in April 2025 as the first K-pop group to perform at the Tecate Pal Norte festival in Mexico, often referred to as ‘Mexico’s Coachella.’
With ‘Bad Influence’ making waves in both the music and fashion worlds, SEVENTEEN continues to solidify their position as a leading force in global entertainment. This collaboration enriches their musical style and enhances the fashion show’s atmosphere, making it a memorable event.
Highlights of SEVENTEEN’s Collaboration with Pharrell Williams:
- Track: ‘Bad Influence’
- Collaborator: Pharrell Williams, Grammy-winning artist
- Event: Premiered at Paris Fashion Week
- Significance: Marks SEVENTEEN’s 10th anniversary
- Future Plans: World tour and historic festival performance
In conclusion, SEVENTEEN’s collaboration with Pharrell Williams on ‘Bad Influence’ is a significant milestone. It showcases their artistic growth and commitment to innovation in both music and fashion.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.