Song Review: Seulgi (Red Velvet) – Baby, Not Baby

4 hours ago 3

Today is the day of girl group members gone solo, as Red Velvet’s Seulgi joins ITZY’s Yeji with new material. Baby, Not Baby is her second official solo single, though she was recently a duet partner with K-pop legend Kim Wan Sun on the 80’s throwback Lucky. This time around, she’s gone for an edgier sound that pulls liberally from an early-2000’s pop toolbox.

At its best, Baby, Not Baby‘s dynamic instrumental reminds me of those great Cheiron Studios teen pop productions of the early millennium. Glistening synth samples collide with big, Baby One More Time riffs, crafting a striking sound that suits Seulgi very well. It’s not what I expected from her or SM Entertainment, which is a pleasant surprise. There’s a pleasant line between “gritty” and “polished” that gives this instrumental real allure. The producers could have gone even further down this road, but I applaud them for travelling it at all.

Without this production, the song itself is less notable. It’s a good time for sure, from the rapid-fire, quasi-rapped verses to the confrontational chorus. However, the melodies could be hookier and less focused on sing-talk. It all works when delivered with Seulgi’s undeniable star power, but when a track is so close to greatness I get extra picky. However, I feel like Baby, Not Baby will grow more addictive with time.

Hooks 7
 Production 9
 Longevity 9
 Bias 9

Grade: B

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