The highly-anticipated film ‘Harbin,’ directed by Woo Min-ho, captivates audiences with its powerful narrative. This historical drama features a stellar cast led by Hyun Bin, Park Jung-min, and Jo Woo-jin. Set in 1908, ‘Harbin’ tells the inspiring story of independence fighters, led by Ahn Jung-geun, as they battle against Japanese forces.
The film explores themes of trust and betrayal within the independence movement. It culminates in a daring mission to confront the infamous Ito Hirobumi in Harbin. As ‘Harbin’ continues to dominate box office sales, it ranks first in ticket sales and pre-bookings. The film has become a top choice for winter audiences in 2025.
An exciting event awaits fans! A behind-the-scenes talk, known as a GV, is scheduled for January 6 at 7:30 PM at Megabox COEX. This event follows a screening of the film and marks the first chance for audience interaction after the release.
Attendees will hear from stars like Hyun Bin, Jo Woo-jin, and Park Hoon, along with director Woo Min-ho. Cineplay editor Joo Seong-cheol will guide the discussion, focusing on the actors’ performances and storytelling techniques. This intimate setting allows fans to gain insights into the creative processes behind the film.
Tickets for this unique event can be purchased through the Megabox app. Additional details are available on CJ ENM’s official social media platforms and the Megabox theater website. As ‘Harbin’ continues to make waves in the film industry, this event offers a valuable opportunity for fans and newcomers to delve deeper into the narrative and engage with the creative minds behind this remarkable film.
Key Highlights:
- Director: Woo Min-ho
- Main Cast: Hyun Bin, Park Jung-min, Jo Woo-jin
- Event Date: January 6, 2025
- Location: Megabox COEX
- Focus: Behind-the-scenes insights and audience interaction
In summary, ‘Harbin’ is not just a film; it is an exploration of bravery, sacrifice, and the fight for freedom. Join the journey of Ahn Jung-geun and his fellow independence fighters in this remarkable cinematic experience.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.