BTS Jungkook’s “Argument” With Jimin Causes A “Dramatic” Exit

1 month ago 25

It was really V who was the “instigator!” 😂

Sydney Lucas

20 minutes ago

The newest Disney+ original series with BTS is Jungkook and Jimin‘s Are You Sure?! and the recent episodes see V as a special guest.

V-appears-on-Are-You-Sure-featurThe poster for “Are You Sure?!” | Disney+

During the recent episode, the trio had a debate about the food they were eating.

At one point, Jungkook asked whether the meat they had was ham or pink sausage, and when the person replied that it was sausage, Jungkook hilariously pretended he wanted to “fight” Jimin.

V acknowledged that his “reaction” was a bit much, and Jimin responded that he knew it was pink sausage and was making a joke.

When Jungkook seemed “indifferent,” Jimin dramatically walked off, explaining, “I’m done eating. I’m too heartbroken to eat.” But the other members didn’t seem impacted by Jimin’s “exit,” and just wanted more sausages.

After noticing he wasn’t getting the reaction anticipated, Jimin came back and explained that he wanted an apology for Jungkook’s reaction.

While they shook hands, Jungkook wanted an apology for Jimin and when he didn’t get one, repeated the same “fighting stance.”

In a turn of events, V actually thought it was ham and Jimin explained he was supporting his fellow member.

So Jimin wanted an apology from V, as he was the core of the “argument” because he almost got “punched.”

In the end, V did apologize… to Jungkook and even though it was Jimin who got “punched,” he only received a greeting from his fellow 95-liner.

Of course, it was all fun and the dynamic between the maknaes of BTS never fails to make netizens LOL.

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