4 OMG Moments That Happened In Episodes 6-7 Of “Good Partner”

1 month ago 30

After a brief hiatus, “Good Partner” returned last week with—you guessed it—more drama. Things aren’t looking too hot for Choi Sa Ra (Han Jae Yi), whose actions are quickly catching up to her. On the other side of things, Cha Eun Kyung (Jang Nara) is trying to be a better mother as her daughter gets thrown into her divorce case drama. Eun Kyung’s attorney and new ally Han Yu Ri (Nam Ji Hyun) is dealing with her own family problems, so there’s a whole lot going on and definitely more on the way.

While waiting for the next episodes, here are four happenings from episodes 6 and 7 that really made us say OMG.

Warning: Episode 6-7 spoilers ahead!

1. Sa Ra takes Eun Kyung’s daughter

It wasn’t exactly “kidnapping,” but it was darn near close.

As episode five’s cliffhanger proved true, Sa Ra took Eun Kyung’s daughter Kim Jae Hee (Yuna) without Eun Kyung’s permission. Technically, she showed up at Jae Hee’s school and asked her to sit down for a chat, but Sa Ra knew exactly what she was doing.

It’s only after Eun Kyung has been running around and asking everyone if they’ve seen her daughter that she gets a text from Sa Ra, letting her know that she is with Jae Hee at a cafe. When Eun Kyung storms in to confront her, it’s pretty clear Sa Ra planned this whole charade to get under Eun Kyung’s skin.

Having worked at a law firm for years, Sa Ra is no fool when it comes to the law (well, most of the time). Since she sent a text to Eun Kyung letting her know where her daughter was, and since Jae Hee was not forced to go and went by choice, there’s nothing much Eun Kyung can do about it besides be furious.

2. Sa Ra gets promoted

A flashback scene with Sa Ra and Eun Kyung reveals that it has been Sa Ra’s dream to have her own office and be chief manager of the divorce team. That day finally comes when she walks into the office and is congratulated on her promotion. But it’s definitely bittersweet. On one end, she hasn’t been that good of a person, given her affair and her attempts at hurting Eun Kyung’s reputation and family, but on the other end, it’s clear she’s good at her job. Even Eun Kyung agrees she’s an asset despite everything that is going on.

3. …and she also gets fired

Well, that lasted long!

Sa Ra’s happiness about being promoted chief manager lasts for about five minutes. Moments after she’s learned of her promotion and taken a look at her fancy new office, she runs into Eun Kyung, who tells her she has been fired. Yikes.

This isn’t just because Eun Kyung has it out for Sa Ra. While Sa Ra may play dirty, Eun Kyung has maintained her professionalism so far. In fact, Eun Kyung was on the fence about firing her because why fire someone who is excellent at what they do?

Actually, Sa Ra is fired because of her breaking company rules by hurting the firm’s and Attorney Jung Woo Jin’s (Kim Jun Han’s) reputation for her “office husband” shenanigans from a couple of episodes back. Sa Ra’s attempt to tarnish Eun Kyung’s reputation and force her to settle her divorce case really backfired.

It was a bit harsh seeing her lose her job in front of all of her coworkers, but you reap what you sow, Sa Ra.

4. The mistress of Han Yu Ri’s father returns

If there wasn’t already enough drama going on in the office, the mistress of Han Yu Ri’s father shows up out of nowhere, and she comes wanting to stir up trouble. Kim Hui Ra (Lee Jin Hee) requests a consultation with Eun Kyung, who reluctantly listens to her case after realizing her unfortunate relationship with Yu Ri.

She brings a written contract from Yu Ri’s father that she happened to find after years of looking (yeah, right), and this contract says the house that Yu Ri and her mother currently live in actually belongs to her. Hui Ra claims Yu Ri’s father promised her the house when he passed away, which happened years ago. She also requests that Eun Kyung fire Yu Ri while she is at it. It really seems like she came to cause more havoc in Yu Ri’s life just for the heck of it.

But her devious plans are short-lived thanks to Eun Kyung’s years of experience and quick thinking. Though she came ready to fight and protest for “her” house, Hui Ra leaves, having gained nothing.

On the positive side of things, taking a second look at the divorce case of Yu Ri’s parents, which she actually worked on in the past defending Yu Ri’s father and mistress, has given Eun Kyung a new perspective on her own divorce and what it means to be a mother.

Eun Kyung has been making an effort to spend more time with her daughter since she realized she has been absent from her life more than she should have been. This includes learning to make the perfect breakfast omelet for Jae Hee through trial and error! At least one positive thing came out of all these events.

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Are you currently watching “Good Partner”? What surprised you in episodes 6 and 7 last week? Let us know in the comments!

Asya’s a BL-biased Soompi writer with a love of K-pop and all types of Asian dramas. Some of her favorite shows are “Psychopath Diary,” “Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss!,” “Light On Me,” “The Untamed,” “Go Go Squid!,” and “Cherry Magic!”

Currently watching:Meet You at the Blossom,” “First Note of Love,” “Good Partner,” “I Hear the Sunspot,” and “The Trainee.”
Looking forward to: “Your Sky the Series”

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