5 Biggest Moments That Happened In Episodes 10-11 Of “Good Partner”

1 month ago 15

Hold onto your metaphorical seatbelts. This time in “Good Partner,” Choi Sa Ra (Han Jae Yi) suffers a devastating loss, hints have been made that Cha Eun Kyung (Jang Nara) will lose her position, and the Daejeong Law Firm just might be switching CEOs in the near future. As the final episodes get closer, there’s no better time than now to catch up.

These were the five biggest moments from episodes 10 and 11 of “Good Partner.”

Warning: spoilers ahead!

1. Sa Ra loses her unborn child

Episode 10 starts with heartbreaking news: Sa Ra has a miscarriage.

Though Sa Ra has felt like nothing more than a villain so far, having started an affair with a married man, let alone the husband of her boss, it’s almost impossible not to feel sympathy for her losing her child. Even though she didn’t go about it the right way, starting her own happy family was something that seemed very important to her.

On top of this, things have not been going well with Kim Ji Sang (Ji Seung Hyun), who has made it clear he has no plans to remarry and start a new family. Sa Ra realizes there’s no future for her in his life, so they use this devastating loss as a way to cut ties once and for all.

After splitting up with Ji Sang, Sa Ra heads home to her mother, which seems like the first good choice she’d made besides ending things with Ji Sang. All things considered, here’s hoping she can heal and find herself again.

2. Eun Kyung and Ji Sang settle their divorce

Many may have expected a cutthroat battle to the very end of Eun Kyung and Ji Sang’s divorce, but it all ended with a settlement.

Eun Kyung gets her apology, what she really wanted (or needed) all along, and she gets to keep most of her assets too. It doesn’t make up for everything she’s been through, but Ji Sang finally acknowledging his wrongs and apologizing is the first step to at least being the father he wants to be.

3. Eun Kyung is asked to take a break from work

Though Eun Kyung tells her co-workers and daughter that she is just taking a much-needed vacation with her daughter, the truth is that Daejeong Law Firm’s CEO Oh Dae Gyu (Jung Jae Sung) underhandedly suggested it was time for her to move on to another firm by telling her to take some time off.

It’s clear what he really wants is to fire her as a previous scene from episode 10 shows Dae Gyu asking Attorney Jung Woo Jin (Kim Jun Han) to fire her. Of course Attorney Jung Woo Jin did not do this and probably would quit himself or go on strike before ever firing Eun Kyung, so Dae Gyu takes matters into his own hands.

Dae Gyu says it is because of all the talk surrounding her divorce case, which Eun Kyung smartly counterclaims with the obvious truth: she has actually tried her best to promote the company throughout her difficult divorce, and she has been able to successfully handle her cases regardless of her personal problems.

When she leaves on vacation, the office turns to chaos, so maybe the CEO should rethink firing his star divorce attorney for the sake of the company.

4. Jae Hee goes to the hospital

On their mother-daughter camping trip, Jae Hee (Yuna) and Eun Kyung can’t seem to escape the stigma of a complete family having a mother and father. Everywhere they go, they are reminded of Ji Sang’s absence. When Jae Hee gets in a bicycle accident and hurts her leg, Eun Kyung rushes her to the hospital, where all their accumulating feelings come to the surface.

Though Jae Hee has chosen to live with her mother and she’s told her father she doesn’t want to see him as punishment for what he’s done, she’s still a child who misses her dad. Having spent much of her childhood spending more time with her father than her mother, she can’t help but want him there when she’s hurt. At the same time, this makes Eun Kyung feel useless as a mother.

It’s definitely going to take a lot of time for both of them to heal from the divorce and figure out how to let Ji Sang back into their life.

5. Attorney Jung asks to take over the law firm

This one comes with a big question mark at the end.

Earlier in the series, it was revealed that Attorney Jung is related to the CEO, though it doesn’t seem to earn him any sort of privileges. The CEO actually never really seems happy with anyone. The cliffhanger of episode 11 shows Attorney Jung walking into the CEO’s office and requesting one thing: he wants the law firm.

With Eun Kyung potentially being fired soon, if not already, Attorney Jung may be trying to take control of the firm and save her job all in one go. For now, the fate of the law firm, the divorce team, and Eun Kyung’s job is unclear.

With the main antagonist Sa Ra gone and Eun Kyung’s divorce case settled, there’s no telling where the final episodes of “Good Partner” will go.

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What do you think will happen in the upcoming episodes of “Good Partner“? Do you think Sa Ra is out of the picture for good? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Asya’s a BL-biased Soompi writer with a love of K-pop and all types of Asian dramas. Some of her favorite shows are “Psychopath Diary,” “Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss!,” “Light On Me,” “The Untamed,” “Go Go Squid!,” and “Cherry Magic!”

Currently watching:First Note of Love,” “Good Partner,” “The On1y One,” “The Trainee,” and “Seoul Blues.”
Looking forward to: “Your Sky the Series.”

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