5 Times Things Got Complicated In Episodes 7-8 Of “Bad Memory Eraser”

1 month ago 28

Every week “Bad Memory Eraser” takes us on a journey that still has an uncertain destination. Though it has been definitely entertaining in its own particular way, it seems that things are about to get even more difficult for both Lee Kun (Kim Jae Joong) and Kyung Joo Yeon (Jin Se Yeon). The already entangled relationship between the lead couple becomes even more complicated with several things happening all at once, making us more intrigued as to how the second half of the drama will resolve these issues. Here are five times when things got tricky in last week’s episodes.

Warning: spoilers from episodes 7-8 ahead! 

1. Lee Shin having a crush on Kyung Joo Yeon

If you were ever unsure whether a love triangle would play out in this K-drama, now it’s completely obvious that Lee Shin (Lee Jong Won) is really interested in Kyung Joo Yeon. Though at first he seems contradicted by the fact he likes his brother’s first love, the moment he realizes that Joo Yeon isn’t actually the person his brother loves, he lets his feelings get loose. And apparently, it’s a thing among the Lee brothers to be completely candid about showing their feelings for the person they fancy.

Just like Lee Kun at first, Lee Shin looks for all and every chance he has to get a little closer to Joo Yeon, who is unsurprisingly unaware of his feelings. Lee Shin goes as far as to offer to help conceal the fact that Joo Yeon isn’t his brother’s first love, even when he knows who that person is in reality. Though love triangles are unpredictable, and even more since the main couple isn’t together yet, by the end of episode 8 we can see that the person who is bound to suffer the most out of this situation is without a doubt Lee Shin.

2. Lee Kun meeting his true first love

Speaking of love triangles, another one that is cooking up is the one between Lee Kun, Joo Yeon, and Jeon Se Yan (Yang Hye Ji), his true first love. It is actually incredible that after half of the drama has passed, she and Lee Kun have barely had any interactions, despite her actually looking for him and the fact that she considers him a very important person in her life. Just as much as Lee Shin, Se Yan is a pretty mysterious character, which we still have a lot to discover in the future.

One thing is clear though, her personality seems to match pretty well with Lee Kun’s. Could it be due to their past together? Despite the few moments they share in these couple of episodes, the chemistry between these two could bring a lot of complications for the developing relationship between Joo Yeon and Lee Kun. However, could Se Yan really reclaim her place in Lee Kun’s heart when Joo Yeon, first love or no, is already taking up so much of it?

3. Lee Kun slowly recovering his memories

Throughout the drama, we’ve seen how impactful someone’s memories are, and particularly in Lee Kun’s case, how much that painful past was holding back his full potential. Despite having a second chance to start anew, it looks like not even science can prevent those memories from coming back and hunting him down once again. Even with Joo Yeon’s and Lee Shin’s efforts to hide exactly what happened to Lee Kun, he is starting to connect the dots and realizing that there’s much more behind his accident.

Completely determined to find out the truth, he even inquires with the paramedics who attended his emergency call at the moment of his accident, only to discover that he didn’t fall on the stairs at his home but was actually drowning after falling from a bridge. As confusing as it is, he still has many more things to figure out, like the snippets of memories he gets from time to time and that take him back to the moment he saw his first love with his brother. Will the heartbreak be as devastating as the first time now that Joo Yeon is in the picture? Or will the disappointment after knowing she is deceiving him be even more painful?

4. Kyung Joo Yeon having confusing feelings

One more complication to this whole mess is that Joo Yeon is slowly letting her guard down around Lee Kun, which brings her to understand that the cold and detached attitude she had toward everybody, from her patients to her family, isn’t exactly the way to deal with her own painful past. Despite trying to be completely different from her dad (a psychiatrist who tended to be too involved with his patients), turning into a completely indifferent person in order to avoid struggling with her emotions isn’t making her a good doctor nor bringing her happiness.

As much as this little character development is welcome, there’s still a long way to go for her, especially considering that she still can’t figure out what she feels for Lee Kun. Plus, she doesn’t realize that Lee Shin is falling deeper in love with her the more she shows her concern for him. Apart from all this, she even has to keep supervising Lee Kun as the subject of her medical trial, which is still at risk to be snatched from the neurosurgical department at her hospital.

5. Lee Shin’s agent finding out about his secret

As if all of that wasn’t enough, now that Lee Kun is actually succeeding as an agent and securing the proper investment for his business with his brother about to switch to his agency, Lee Shin has to deal with blackmailing from his current agency’s president. This president isn’t afraid to use every means necessary in order to ensure that he doesn’t lose another athlete to Lee Kun. Lee Shin initially thinks that the only thing the president has against him are the photos of him with Se Yan, but he quickly falls into the president’s trap when he mentions Lee Kun’s accident.

Shockingly, we discover that the photos he has against Lee Shin can prove that he was the one who pushed Lee Kun from the bridge that night, something that surely will cause more than just a misunderstanding in the future. However, there’s still so much to reveal from that moment, from the past relationship between the brothers and even how exactly the romantic square will evolve, so we can’t miss all that is to come this week in “Bad Memory Eraser”!

Start watching “Bad Memory Eraser” below: 

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Hey Soompiers! Have you watched the latest episodes of “Bad Memory Eraser”? What do you think about them? Let us know all about it in the comments below! 

Andy zar is an avid drama watcher, from K-dramas to C-dramas, she believes any weekend is a good weekend to enjoy 12 hours of binge-watching dramas. She loves romance, web comics, and K-pop. She is a declared “Subeom” and “Hyeppyending.” Her favorite groups are EXO, TWICE, and BOL4.

Currently watching:Bad Memory Eraser,” “You Are My Secret
Plans to watch: Cinderella at 2AM

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